Bug Reports
Step-by-step guide on how to report a bug (or other issue).
Check if someone has already reported the bug.
If not, open a new issue with a clear and detailed title.
Describe the bug, including the steps to reproduce it.
Include all logs related to the issue.
Provide the output of '/sonar dump'.
Feel free to provide any additional information.
Please make sure to read the Contributing Guidelines.
Discord Ticket
You can report a bug on Discord by opening a ticket:
Join the Jones Development Discord.
Go to the
text channel.Click on Create Ticket.
Navigate to the newly created channel.
Explain the issue and provide examples.
Provide the output of
/sonar dump
(from the console).Provide log files if there are any errors.
Feel free to add screenshots or other additional information.
GitHub issue tracker
If you want to use GitHub's issue tracker, you can simply visit the GitHub repository and create a new Issue:
Click on Issues followed by New Issue.
Select your issue type (e.g., Bug Report) by clicking on Get started.
Fill out the form.
Provide log files if there are any errors.
Feel free to add screenshots or other additional information.
Last updated