
Step-by-step guide for building your own version of Sonar.

Cloning the repository

The first step is cloning the repository. You can achieve this by opening your Git terminal in your project folder and typing

git clone

If you don't want to clone the repository, you can simply download the files as a zip archive.

Making changes

If you want, you can now open your IDE and make some changes to the code. This step is completely optional.

Building the jar file

There are multiple ways of achieving a working jar file for Sonar. If you are using IntelliJ IDEA, you can create a configuration to simplify the building process:

  1. Click Current File in your project.

  2. Click Edit Configurations.

  3. Add a new Gradle configuration.

  4. Set the Run command to build-sonar.

  5. Click on OK and run the configuration.

If you are not using IntelliJ IDEA, you can simply run the Gradle build script itself.

  • Linux: ./gradlew build-sonar

  • Windows: gradlew.bat build-sonar

If you are experiencing build failures, try adding --stacktrace or --debug to your Gradle command. If you have any further questions, please feel free to join the Discord server and ask in the #development chat.

Last updated